
This is my take on parenting. Keep in mind I am not a parent and do not have kids, however I am a very active aunt and nanny and I am also enrolled in several parenting classes at BYU–I. There are some very important key ideas to have fresh in the back of your head while thinking about parenting. Communication, Relationships, Discipline, Encouragement, Empowering children, and Unconditional parenting are topics I want to shed light on today.
                Communication is key in any relationship, but it is extremely important in the parent child relationship. If you cannot get your child to open up and talk to you, it will be extremely difficult to create the relationship that will set them up for success in life. I do understand getting certain kids to open up and talk to their parents will be hard but if you start at a young age and are willing to share information and open up with them, they will be more likely to do the same for you.
                Relationships are the basis of the family unit. They are built from experiences and love. From a very early age children form attachments to people who are constantly and continually in their lives. As this attachment is most often formed between parent and child it would be beneficial to us the attachment to build that basis for a relationship that will last through their first eighteen years and beyond. As this relationship is built early on the later years where children form into their own individual may be a little more bearable. Children need an outlet and most often that is where the parent should step in and coach them through their emotions and challenges.
                Discipline is so important. Without discipline a child feels vulnerable and cannot properly develop in the natural way they need to. Now, there is a difference between discipline and abuse. Do not do anything to your child that will leave lasting and visible marks on your child. Set boundaries and rules and involve them in that creation of rules. They will feel more in control if they have helped create the rules they are expected to follow. Another important part of discipline is to make sure that your children understand the rules. You should also understand that children are constantly learning and often times are learning through pushing the boundaries. Children should not be looked down upon for learning at such young ages.
                Encourage your children to do what is right, encourage them to love and to grow, encourage them to aspire to reach their goals and make friends. Encourage your children in all they do. Encourage them to set their mind to something and accomplish it. But remember they may fail, and you must be there to pick up the pieces and encourage them to get up and try again.
                Empower your children to do what they love. Empower them to learn and show them through your example that they are doing okay. Your children look to you for confidence and love and you empowering them to accomplish life’s challenges is one important piece of their lives.
                Along with encouraging and empowering your children you must love them unconditionally. Unconditional parenting is exactly as it sounds. Your children will fail, they will disappoint you and give you reason to rip your hair out. Your job is to unconditionally give them everything and anything they need to thrive in their lives. Unconditionally love and protect them no matter the situation.
                If you follow all of these complicated yet simple instructions you may just find your burden lightened just a bit.
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