Current Trends in the Family

  • Current trends in the family, and the impacts of those trends
  • World-wide trends relative to having fewer children, how those decisions are made and how they impact all of us
  • The importance of thoughtful decisions about how many children one allows to come into one's family

Current Trends with the Family?
In these current times, the family structure is quickly dissolving. Most people think it is 
normal for children to be raised in a non-mother father relationship. Most people think children are not affected from growing up in a home where there isn't a mom and a dad. Yes, it happens in most homes today. There aren't nearly as many stable families taking care of the world's children. Research has shown that children who are reared in a home with a mother and a father are more successful in all areas of their lives. Research has shown that children raised in a home with gay/lesbian parents are more susceptible to drugs, alcohol, and are less likely to get an education. This rise in non-traditional families is causing an uproar in the schools and the country. Side effects such as anxiety, depression, acting out in anger, and many other things have been the result of non traditional families. Children need the support of a loving mother and father figure in their lives. Yes, two mothers can love and support their children but they can't create the fatherly figure that a child needs to be as successful as children who are raised in traditional families. 

Are People having fewer children? 
Studies have shown people are having less and less children every year. Teen pregnancies are decreasing in numbers as well as people waiting until nearly their thirties to have children if they have children at all. Only two states have reached average numbers to support the current population in their elderly years. If people continue to have fewer and fewer children every year, there will not be enough workers in the world to support the population or enough people to support our elderly. 

How Many Children in One Family?
Thoughtful consideration and prayer is how a couple should choose when to bring an offspring into this world. Children are a big decision. A decision that should not be taken lightly. There is not greater honor in this world than to be a parent. And for that reason people need to be cautious. A child comes into this world with no knowledge of how hateful this world can be. Parents need to teach children. They need to love and support their children. And above all they need to protect their children. If parents are not prepared to do this, I do not believe they should be bringing a child into this world. However, once a parent is ready to love, teach, and protect a child they are ready to bring children into their homes. After you have started having kids, and are ready for more it is again thoughtful consideration and prayer that should help make the final decision about how many kids to have while creating their family. It is so important to prayerfully consider how many kids to have. Questions to consider are: How many do we want? How many can we financially support? How many does the Lord want us to have? After considering these questions, make a decision as a couple. 

And if you're ever wondering my opinion, have a big family! Raise kids to take care of their future generations. The elderly need your help! You can always lend a helping hand to those in need. Plus, KIDS ARE FUN!!
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