Men, Women, and Same-Sex Attraction

Men and women have been the basis of the family since the beginning of time. Over the last twenty years or so, the family structure in the eyes of society has changed dramatically. Now, men marry men, women marry women, and everything in between that you couldn’t even possibly think of a name for is the normal. Don’t get me wrong, there are still traditional families out there, there just seem to be more and more non-traditional families every new year.  Men and women used to have their own roles, and in today’s world they do, they just aren’t the same roles as they used to be. Men used to be the provider of the family. They did the heavy lifting; they worked and financially supported the family. Women cooked, cleaned, shopped, took care of the kids, and all the other house related duties. Throughout time those have progressed and changed. Major women’s movements have taken place and have pushed and pushed to create equality between the sexes. Men and women are different for good reason. They were not made to be equal. That being said, the man nor woman is great than the other. They are equal and they within a marriage should have equal responsibility for all duties to be done.
Even as babies, there is a clear difference between a boy and a girl. Studies have shown that female babies tend to develop faster than male babies. Girls pick pink, and dolls whereas boys generally pick blue, and cars or guns. Children are generally drawn to and pick the things that they play with. There isn’t any influence in that aspect. Babies will do what babies want to do. As children grow older they still have the choice and most often they pick what “goes with” their gender.
Now, lets talk about same-sex attraction. Some people say they were born gay, and that being said scientists have proven that is inaccurate.  No one is born gay, you simply have tendencies to do certain things and eventually you decide you are gay after years and years of influence. So many different factors affect your attraction to someone of the same sex as you.  Same-sex attraction is a choice. If you believe you are gay you are most likely going to choose to marry, and eventually have kids with that member of the same sex. Your children will not grow up with a mother and a father. This will influence your children. Studies have shown that children with a mom and a dad are better off than children with two mothers or two fathers. Children benefit from having both genders as a heavy prevalent influence in their lives.
There is a clear difference between genders and each person, the male and female, have important roles in relationships. Whatever orientation you choose, however and whomever you decide to marry is your choice. Whatever decision you decide upon for yourself is your decision and everyone should love you because you are person. Judging someone or treating someone any differently because of their sexual orientation is wrong. God commanded us to love thy neighbor. He did not specify and did not command us to love every straight neighbor. We are to love everyone and whether or not you decide to love your neighbor without judgement or bias will be judged by your Heavenly Father.
That being said, men and women are different. Men and women have the right to choose. We are to love everyone no matter who they choose to marry. In a marriage, you should love and rear your children and give them the love and support they need to thrive and grow into the beautiful humans you are and want them to become.

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